Orctober Guzzoline Fleet

Sup ye gits! You might not know it, but I like does orcy boys. Big un tuff lads. I haven't had many orc miniatures to paint on hand, but I got a chance to do some orctober goodness regardless because Ramshackle Games have released a set of vehicle bits featuring the meanest and greenest of drivers. I had some old hotwheels lying around, and they're a lump of half-baked ideas and not finished paint jobs. But the temptation to give em a good lootin as well as some orc drivers was too good to pass up.

They've already felt the touch of bits here and there, but of course they aren't quite orcy enough, maybe with the exception of the white hot rod. Luckily Curtis always delivers the goods!

Careful deliberations and removal of moldlines out of the way, I had a good selection of bits I knew exactly where was heading. This selection is by the way not the full set at all, the entire 15£ collection looks like this, for those curious:

Now on to the rides themselves. First we have the white hotrod, as said it had the shortest distance to go, and simply got supplied with a very enthusiastic driver and a big ol barrel of fuel.


Next on the list is the yellow convertible. I altered the mortar slightly to add a fuel barrel, and put two boys in it. I also forcibly removed the old windscreen since it would make painting the occupants very difficult. I haven't decided if I want more armour on it yet. I like the idea of it being a light hit and run artillery vehicle.

The blue buggy needed to get spruced up a tad, so I gave it a very angry ram, a gunner and some mean exhaust tubes. This is another one I considered adding armour to, but I quite like the idea of having varied weight categories of vehicles. However looking at the photos, I do think I could cram another exhaust pipe on there.


Continuing on, we have the black sports car. It feels like the odd one out as it isn't as much of an offroader muscle car as the others, but by god it can probably go fast. I didn't wanna weigh it down unnecessarily, so I gave it the bare necessities: a driver and some huge N2O canisters.


As for the back row, while technically not a car, I felt this big oaf fit right in with a rider and some guns, so ofcourse the mutant rhinox became a huge wasteland beast kept by the orc raiders. I haven't settled on the matter of armour entirely yet, as I dont wanna cover up the majority of its fur and details, but I am thinking of maybe adding some smaller plates where its chains join.

And now we have the second to last surprise, the purple musle car. I've decided to dub it The First Mate as it has been fitted with a beautiful plow and the jolly roger too on top of all its existing armour. The flag is from an old nurgle palequin I had by the way.


And finally the bestest of the cars, the big fat golden one. I of course had to get my captain on there. And after that was done I was considering what else I could do and the idea seemed quite obvious at that point. He needed a couple of harpoons for 'whaling' as well as a winch with an attatched chain. Because that's of course what you want the giant orc nob ontop the armoured car doing - throwing harpoons at your vehicle and gleefully pulling off armour plates and doors to expose squishy crew.


They're gonna be fun to paint up, especially dirtying up those too clean metals. And giving them the red and checker paintjobs they deserve so they can be real fast and dead orcy.
