Mail-order Madness

With only a few days in between I got several packages. Among them the diehard undead kickstarter from October, and ooh are these some pretty sculpts, they're the same quality as the knightmare stuff made by Kev Adams, but its no big surprise as the diehard team have Tim Prow among them.

But back to the undeads for now, they're a really characterful bunch which I am incidentally planning to use as a posse for the game Wasteman. They'll be part of my Lunar Coalition, as a force of space pioneers lost to the myriad of horrible things lurking just beyond the stars. I got down to business pretty quick and started swinging my brush, but of course todays arrival sort of throws a wrench in my painting schedule.


Even one of my older dudes got a slight repaint to give him the same orange uniform

With an entire mixed race group, another infernal and some legionaires to repaint I have plenty to sort out on this front, but then that other box had to arrive and flaunt its stuff. Among its contents are the Glory Hogs who are gonna be so sweet to paint up.

I also got both Knights of Gnar, Cybjörgs and more, but for now I'll stick to showing off the few things I have begun cleaning up and assembling. Such as my Plight Rider and Maw Man who have both found some new armaments among my workshop. Fun fact: the Plight Rider actually stole their chain glaive from the skeletal ork above. Luckily the ork found a powered sledge instead.

While the Maw Man (left) is a slightly aged sculpt by Jasons new standards, they are one of the models that I have wanted from day one from his catalogue, and while the wasteman range is 35mm, and thus the minis often seem a bit bulky compared to 28mm, the difference only works in the Maw Mens favour, as someone already meant to be tall become these weird leery alien creatures. To me they feel like something that'd be judged a cryptid even by the wastelands weird standards.

I also got the remaning Cybjörgs in Jasons catalogue, and staying true to tradition they were gonna get spiced up to even weirder levels.

And this using only one of the torsos, should leave me with the option to make a whole 4 of them, if I go about this smartly. And finally, as a token proof of what awesome readers my blog have, I got four awesome bastards as a gift, soon to show up in denim jackets and burlap masks to bring their tour into the deep into the wastes.

So I have a lot to do ahead of me, and apparently the mere teasing of my new toys is enough to draw Klaus over again, so I'll have to get him good and accommodated with the world of Wasteman.
