November Blues

Hello folks! So there's been a brief break here during the start of November, which is attributed to a number of things to be frank. First of all since late October I have been working with Andrea Sfiligoi from Ganesha Games, the creator of Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Armageddon Hour,  Furies of the Barrens and so forth, on a secret project. Also daylights saving is hitting me hard, I don't do well with darkness at 4 pm and with an already wonky sleep schedule, all productivity just turns into depressive lethargy. So Netflix and play station has taken over a lot of my free time these last few weeks.

But luckily I have a few cool things that have happened and that I think merits some sort of collective post. So first of all, today I got mail, and the cool non-bill variety too! You see Jason from TC Miniatures has started monthly raffles on his new patreon, and my 2$ ticked was the lucky one to get score the sweet October price! The prototype playmat made a long while back.

Now with minis to give you a sense of scale

And speaking of Wasteman wanderers, I am still trying to summon up the gusto to finish off Grendel, here she is as of right now.

I also made a tad of progress on my hot wheels for a as of yet undecided vehicular combat game.

And finally, I got in on quite a neat deal. Ramshackle Games has had a surplus of miscasts and decided to sell them off first-come-first-served in bulk to any hobbyists who wouldn't mind missing limb or holes from air bubbles. So I am getting a lot of conversion fodder at some point. Below is an example of terrain made using such miscasts. I am excited!
